Qualitative And Quantitative Analysis

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Qualitative And Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis:

1. **Qualitative Analysis**:
   - Focuses on understanding the **quality** of a subject, often through descriptive data.
   - It is interpretative, aiming to understand underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations.
   - Methods include interviews, focus groups, and observations.
   - Data is typically non-numerical and is analyzed through thematic categorization.

2. **Quantitative Analysis**:
   - Deals with quantifying data or counting and measuring attributes.
   - It is statistical and aims to establish patterns, make predictions, and test hypotheses.
   - Common methods are surveys with closed-ended questions, experiments, and numerical records.
   - Data is numerical and is analyzed using mathematical and statistical techniques.

Both methods have their strengths and are often used complementarily to provide a comprehensive view of the research topic.


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